Terms & Conditions

These terms of sale apply to all goods supplied by NotebookRepair.co.uk, Unit 26A Vernon Mill, Mersey Street, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 2HX (the "Supplier" and "Company").

No contract exists between you and the Supplier for the sale of any goods until the Supplier has received and accepted your order and the Supplier has received payment in full (in cleared funds).

Once the Supplier does so, there is a binding legal contract between us. By way of clarification, an acknowledgement of your order will be sent to you via e-mail when you place your order, but acceptance of your offer to buy the goods will not take place until after your payment is taken and you receive your acceptance e-mail. It is at this point that a binding legal contract is created and any contract is subject to these Terms and Conditions.

The contract is subject to your right of cancellation (see Shipping and Returns). The Supplier may change these terms of sale without notice to you in relation to future sales.

To order goods through the Suppliers company website you must be at least 18 years of age.

We will treat each order for goods as an offer by you to purchase the goods subject to these terms and conditions.

The Supplier gives no assurance as to the mutual compatibility of components sold on any single invoice.

It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that the goods purchased are suitable for the purpose intended.

Advice sought by the customer from the Company in this respect may be given but cannot be relied upon by the customer or guaranteed by the Company unless the Company has access to the working system and the ability to carry out a full inspection of any software or operating system.

Except as may be implied by law where the buyer is dealing as a consumer, in event of any breach of these Conditions by the Company the remedies of the buyer shall be limited to damages which shall in no circumstances exceed the price of the goods and the Company shall under no circumstances be liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages or delay to normal service.

These terms and conditions are subject only to UK law.

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