
SD Card Data Recovery - 4GB

Ever removed an SD Card from the reader while you are writing files to it? Or deleted/formatted your cards contents by mistake? If you have, can help! We offer a No Fix No Fee service too, so even if we cannot help, you have nothing to lose.

What this repair service can help with:

  • Formatted SD Memory Cards
  • Accidently Deleted Files
  • File System Corruption
  • All file systems are supported

What this repair service cannot help with:

  • Broken SD Cards (Contact us for more information, we may still be able to help)
  • Water Damaged SD Cards

How this service works:

Buy this item from our website, and you will be charged for the cost of the repair, plus the cost of shipping the SD Card and the cost of the media we provide back to you. Once your payement has cleared, we will contact you with a job reference number, and give you instructions on how to get the card to us. There are no hidden fee's, the price you pay initially is the total cost of this service. If we are not able to get any data from your card, we will refund your payment, and send the card back to you. If you have any queries about this repair service, please feel free to email or phone 0161 429 8855.

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